Marcin Rudawski

Mentor and Performance Coach

My purpose is to shorten the time needed to become a top performer for people I work with, either in sport or in their business or simply focused on professional career.


6 World Champion’s titles and over 20 years of professional athlete career have given me experience and know-how what qualities, skills and approach to sport and life in general are necessary to be successful. Today, as a mentor, I pass this knowledge to other athletes and entrepreneurs. I share my experience and strategies also via Akademia Mistrzów Świata, which I co-founded this year.


This educational platform aimed at athletes participating in any level of competition. Akademia is the place where you can find ready-made technics and solutions to sports problems successfully tested by top athletes, World Champions, Olympic medallists. As part of Akademia, subscribers also receive access to knowledge and advice of experts in the field of psychology, physiotherapy, nutrition, technology, media and sponsorship.


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